
Karen Oxrider

Karen Oxrider is passionate about the outdoors and travel. Infact, if she could change her middle name it would be Karen “Wanderlust” Oxrider. Meaning that she has a strong desire to wander and explore the world. And that she has. 

She believes that people (of all ages) today should be instilled with a love of nature and inspired by their quest to experience other cultures, people, and their traditions. Karen is in her most inspired state when she is in nature. Whether it is sitting at the beach, hiking a local trail, or summiting the highest of mountains, she says, “I am humbled by how small I feel, how much more I have to learn, and that I am a part of something bigger than myself”. 

Karen Oxrider is a nonprofit veteran and had spent over 20 years working with youth and environmental education programs. One of her career highlights was working with and being inspired by Dr. Jane Goodall. Currently, Karen has embarked on a spiritual journey of awakening and is studying for her doctorate degree through the Emerson Theological Institute.

Karen lives in Southern California and enjoys traveling off-the-beaten-path, volunteering in her community and spending time with her husband of 25 years, Brad.

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